Takashi Masunaga

Birthday: 1945-03-03
Gender: Male

Takashi Masunaga is known for his work as a Animated film Director.


Year Title
2006-01-01 The Hunchback of Notre Dame
1995-12-19 Sleeping Beauty
1995-10-17 Jungle Book
1995-07-30 Alice in Wonderland
1995-04-27 Snow White
1995-02-06 Hercules
1995-01-01 Curly - The Littlest Puppy
1995-01-01 Heidi
1995-01-01 Magic Gift of the Snowman
1994-12-01 The Nutcracker
1994-10-19 Pocahontas
1994-08-06 Cinderella
1994-07-20 Leo the Lion: King of the Jungle
1994-01-01 Happy the Littlest Bunny
1994-01-01 A Christmas Carol
1978-05-03 Metamorphoses