Pekka Lehto

Birthday: 1948-03-14
Birthplace: Valkeakoski, Finland
Gender: Male


Year Title
2017-09-01 Jailhouse Socrates
2014-10-03 Emergency Call - A Murder Mystery
2014-09-12 The Surrealist and His Naughty Hand
2005-08-26 Game Over
2001-01-26 Tango Kabaree
1999-08-13 The Real McCoy
1992-09-29 The Well
1991-09-18 Temppeli
1990-02-23 Alone
1985-08-16 Da Capo
1983-09-18 250 grammaa
1982-12-03 Nine Ways to Approach Helsinki
1980-10-17 Flame Top
1979-06-03 Two Forces
1978-01-01 The Sign of Danger
1976-03-05 Ikäluokka