João Miller Guerra

Birthday: 1974-01-01
Birthplace: Lisbon, Portugal
Gender: Male

Filipa REIS (1977) e João MILLER GUERRA (1974)live and work together in Lisbon, Portugal. They directed documentaries Fora da Vida (Best Portuguese Short Film IndieLisboa'15), Bela Vista (Best International Short Film FIDOC'13 and Honorable Mention MiradasDoc'13), Cama de Gato (Best Portuguese Short Film IndieLisboa'12 and Revelation Prize at Festival Luso-Brazilian Santa Maria film'12), Generation Orchestra, Nada Fazi (Best Portuguese Film Fantasporto'12 and audience Award Festival Cortex'12) and Li Ké Terra (Best Portuguese feature film DocLisboa'10 and Special Jury Mention MiradasDoc'11). Their films were presented at international festivals such as Cinéma du Réel, IDFA, DokLeipzig, Bordocs,, Festival dei Popoli, Film Look, Recife International Film Window, FIDBA, Dok.Fest, Molodist, Parnu, between others. Their first feature fiction film is currently in post-production. Together they have a film production company Uma Pedra no Sapato, responsible for films like Balada de um Batráquio, by Leonor Teles, who won the Golden Bear for Best Short Film at the Berlin Film Festival'16.


Year Title
2023-12-13 Légua
2018-10-11 Djon Africa
2017-01-01 Cidade
2015-04-30 On The Side
2014-10-21 The Indispensable Practice of Vagueness
2013-03-31 Fragmentos de Uma Observação Participativa
2012-11-01 Cat's Cradle
2012-03-02 Nada Fazi
2012-01-01 Bela Vista
2011-10-01 Orquestra Geração
2010-10-21 Li Ké Terra