Grzegorz Królikiewicz

Birthday: 1939-06-05
Deathday: 2017-09-21
Birthplace: Aleksandrów Kujawski, kujawsko-pomorskie, Polska
Gender: Male

Grzegorz Królikiewicz (5 June 1939 – 21 September 2017) was a Polish film director, screenwriter, and pedagogue.

In 1962, he graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Łódź. In 1967, he began his studies at the National Film School in Łódź from which he graduated in 1970. He directed a number of documentary films, TV shows as well as feature films. In 1976–78, he directed the television Editorial Office of Facts. Between 1981–1983, he served as the artistic director of the Aneks Film Studio (Zespół Filmowy Aneks). In the years 2003–2005, he worked as director of the New Theatre in Łódź. Since 1981, he also worked as an academic teacher at the Faculty of Film and Television Directing at the National Film School in Łódź.[1] In 1993, he obtained the title of professor. He was a member of the Polish Film Academy.

He died on 21 September 2017 in Łódź and was buried at the Old Cemetery in Łódź.


Year Title
List mordercy
Wiesz jak jest
2014-09-19 Neighborhooders
2012-03-01 The Eternal Wanderer
2007-01-01 Bardzo krótki strajk. 14-15 grudnia 1981 roku
2006-01-01 Mam pomysł
2002-01-01 A potem nazwali go bandytą
1999-01-01 Po całym ciele
1996-07-25 Trees
1996-01-01 Piękne lata niewoli
1993-11-19 The Case of Bronek Pekosinski
1993-01-01 Portret artysty z czasów starości
1991-01-01 Człowiek ze studni
1989-05-01 Go
1988-12-01 Rhapsody
1988-01-01 Licz
1988-01-01 Prekursor
1985-09-20 Killing Auntie
1984-11-16 Fort 13
1983-09-23 Klejnot wolnego sumienia
1978-01-20 The Dancing Hawk
1976-06-14 Faust
1975-08-15 Permanent Objections
1973-05-11 Through and Through
1972-05-01 Don't Cry
1971-01-01 Bracia
1970-01-01 Pamiętamy Lenina
1970-01-01 Szef
1969-01-01 Mężczyźni
1969-01-01 Sprawa lorda Jima
1969-01-01 Wierność
1966-01-01 Everyone Gets What They Don't Need
1965-01-01 Exit