Richard Stanton

Birthday: 1876-10-08
Deathday: 1956-05-22
Birthplace: Iowa, USA
Gender: Male


Year Title
1925-10-14 American Pluck
1923-07-08 McGuire of the Mounted
1920-10-31 The Face at Your Window
1920-09-10 Bride 13
1920-08-01 Sink or Swim
1919-08-24 Checkers
1918-11-24 Why I Would Not Marry
1918-09-15 The Caillaux Case
1918-09-08 Why America Will Win
1918-03-24 Rough and Ready
1917-09-15 The Yankee Way
1917-08-17 The Spy
1917-08-12 Durand of the Bad Lands
1917-04-19 The Topsy Turvy Twins
1916-12-17 The Love Thief
1916-07-24 The Beast
1915-12-11 Graft
1915-08-04 The Golden Trail
1915-07-28 The Phantom Extra