Henri Pouctal

Birthday: 1860-10-21
Deathday: 1922-02-02
Gender: Male

Henri Pouctal (21 October 1860 - 2 February 1922) was an early French silent film director and actor best known for his silent films of the 1910s and his directorship of the Count of Monte Cristo serials in 1918. In film, Pouctal directed about 100 films between 1908 and 1922.


Year Title
1922-03-31 La résurrection du Bouif
1922-01-20 Le crime du Bouif
1921-05-20 Gigolette
1920-04-02 Le dieu du hasard
1920-01-16 Work
1918-01-02 The Count of Monte Cristo
1917-04-13 Will
1916-11-21 Chantecoq
1916-11-10 La Flambée
1916-10-20 L'Instinct
1916-01-02 Alsace
1915-10-21 Icelandic Fisherman
1915-10-21 The Lost Sheep
1914-01-01 L'infirmière
1913-10-21 The Mannequin
1912-12-31 The Three Musketeers
1912-10-21 Théodora
1912-10-11 Gerval, the Iron-Master
1912-09-01 Chaînes rompues
1912-07-29 The Three Musketeers
1912-01-02 Camille
1910-01-02 Werther