Jacques Perconte

Birthday: 1974-10-23
Birthplace: Grenoble, France
Gender: Male

"Technology is no stranger to Jacques Perconte; he uses its defects as inspiration, pushing it to its limits and incorporating its margin of error into his creative practice. For Perconte, information technology is capable of providing an accurate representation of the world — not because of its capacity to capture and process the appearance of reality, but because of the chromatic vibrations that it emits, which are not merely mimetic vibrations, but can be compared to the vibrations of reality itself." (Nicole Brenez)


Year Title
Conche à la Garenne n°1, Mille lumières en Marais Poitevin
2024-05-18 Périls, péril
2024-05-04 L’Effort, le monde
2024-02-12 Une petite heure dans les nuages, 2008
2023-11-24 Coma Serrat
2023-04-26 Blanc Mont Blanc
2023-04-06 Céleste Terrestre
2023-01-23 or, granite, gneiss, glace
2022-07-05 Salammbô
2022-01-31 Silesilence
2021-01-23 15000ft
2020-12-03 Printtemps
2020-09-08 Before the Collapse of Mont Blanc
2020-06-19 MEG 2152 (Perspectives For the 22nd Century)
2020-05-06 Par ma fenêtre
2020-01-10 Le Tempestaire
2020-01-01 Une Chanson d’anniversaire
2019-04-17 Or / Aour (Vienna)
2018-11-20 tenir l'horizon presque deux minutes par un froid raisonable
2018-06-01 Or / Our (Budapest)
2018-05-01 Or / Or (Hawick)
2018-03-20 Albâtre
2018-01-01 Japa n°4
2017-12-15 Faust
2017-06-13 Twenty Nine Minutes at Sea
2017-01-01 Patiras
2017-01-01 Japa n°1
2017-01-01 Japa n°3
2017-01-01 Japa n°2
2017-01-01 Le Quinte Alpi
2016-09-14 Vielle-Saint-Girons, Untitled #3, Recording #2
2016-01-23 Save My Heart from the World
2016-01-01 Buccleuch Church on the Kirk Burn
2016-01-01 Blés, Agenvillers
2015-06-17 Ettrick
2015-04-15 M
2015-03-12 Hypersoleils
2015-02-08 Vine journal n°12
2014-12-18 Vine journal n°4
2014-10-13 Salomé
2014-10-01 L
2014-07-18 Mistral, Ribièra
2014-01-01 Colorama
2013-10-26 Árvore da Vida (Madeira)
2013-06-09 Vine journal n°2
2013-05-01 Paris
2013-01-01 Santa Maria Madalena
2012-10-01 Chuva
2012-02-20 Libres
2012-01-02 Impressions
2012-01-01 Sassetot-le-Mauconduit
2010-06-01 Après le feu
2009-09-13 A fleur d’eau…
2009-01-12 Passage
2009-01-01 Satyagraha
2008-01-01 Pauillac, Margaux
2007-12-22 White Altaïr
2007-01-01 Le soleil de Patiras
2007-01-01 Uishet
2003-01-01 Uaoen
2003-01-01 Isz
2002-03-29 Esz
2002-03-25 Snsz
2002-01-01 Early Abstraction
2002-01-01 XSZ
1998-01-01 Promenade
1998-01-01 Corps Numériques
1996-03-09 razer