William C. Dowlan

Birthday: 1882-09-21
Deathday: 1947-11-06
Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Gender: Male


Year Title
1920-08-06 The Chorus Girl's Romance
1920-04-28 Locked Lips
1920-03-01 The Peddler of Lies
1919-10-18 Common Property
1919-10-06 Loot
1919-06-15 Cowardice Court
1918-12-15 Irish Eyes
1918-09-15 The Atom
1918-08-25 Daughter Angele
1916-09-04 Youth's Endearing Charm
1916-06-05 The Madcap
1916-03-20 Drugged Waters
1916-01-20 Just Plain Folks
1915-10-25 The College Orphan