Sönke Wortmann

Birthday: 1959-08-25
Birthplace: Marl, Germany
Gender: Male

Sönke Wortmann (August 25, 1959 in Marl, North Rhine-Westphalia) is a German film director and producer.


Year Title
Die Älteren
2024-12-19 Der Spitzname
2022-10-20 Family Affairs
2022-04-14 Locked in Society
2020-10-28 Contra
2018-10-18 How About Adolf?
2017-06-29 Sommerfest
2016-07-14 Deutschland - dein Selbstporträt
2015-01-15 Frau Müller muss weg!
2014-09-18 Schoßgebete
2012-05-10 Das Hochzeitsvideo
2009-10-22 Pope Joan
2006-10-03 Germany: A Summer's Fairytale
2003-10-15 The Miracle of Bern
2001-09-28 The Hollywood Sign
1999-09-02 St. Pauli Nacht
1998-02-05 Der Campus
1996-12-28 Charleys Tante
1996-03-06 The Superwife
1994-10-05 Maybe... Maybe Not
1993-04-01 Mr. Bluesman
1992-09-03 Little Sharks
1991-11-06 Alone Among Women
1990-10-26 Eine Wahnsinnsehe
1988-10-28 Drei D
1986-10-22 Fotofinish