Walter Bannert

Birthday: 1942-11-28
Deathday: 2020-09-10
Birthplace: Wien, Austria
Gender: Male

Walter Bannert (November 28, 1942 - September 10, 2020) was an Austrian film director, producer and actor. He is most known for the cult film DIE ERBEN (1982) (written and directed) and for co-founding Cinecoop Films with which he produced auteur cinema in the 70s.


Year Title
2008-05-09 1:0 für das Glück
2008-03-14 Wieder daheim
2007-04-08 Grüß Gott, Herr Anwalt
2002-10-20 Die Dickköpfe
1989-08-17 Real Men Don't Eat Gummi Bears
1987-05-21 Young Love
1985-03-29 Herzklopfen
1983-02-25 The Inheritors
1980-01-01 Was kostet der Sieg?
1976-01-01 Johann Nestroy 1801-1862
1968-01-01 Die Landstreicher