Eloy Gurucharri

Birthday: 1995-08-08
Gender: Male


Year Title
2025-01-28 atariko proba
2025-01-17 O vos omnes
2025-01-10 The Man in Yellow
2025-01-08 Trees in Reverse (Outtakes from Medea)
2025-01-06 Strokes
2025-01-06 Silence
2024-09-04 Madrid, July 2020
2024-04-05 There must be someone behind the Sun
2024-04-01 Goya's Gaze
2024-03-30 who is Gus Van Sant?
2024-02-07 Short 3
2024-01-04 The snail
2019-05-02 John Lennon
2018-10-21 Keep On Dancing
2018-03-11 Virginia