Arthur Davis

Birthday: 1905-06-14
Deathday: 2000-05-09
Birthplace: Yonkers, New York, USA
Gender: Male


Year Title
2023-05-30 Looney Tunes Collector's Choice: Volume 1
2011-11-15 Looney Tunes Platinum Collection: Volume One
2003-10-28 Looney Tunes Golden Collection, Vol. 1
1999-01-01 Looney Tunes All Stars
1986-12-31 Badrock Valley Gang
1986-12-31 Danger on the Pioneer Express
1986-12-31 Secrets of Sinbad
1986-12-31 Tale of the Comet
1980-05-27 The Yolks on You
1980-05-27 The Chocolate Chase
1980-05-27 Daffy Flies North
1980-03-31 Daffy Duck's Easter Egg-Citement
1979-12-19 Pink Suds
1979-05-12 The Bugs Bunny Mother's Day SpecialĀ 
1978-12-23 Star Pink
1978-12-22 Pink Bananas
1978-12-22 Pinktails for Two
1978-12-09 The Pink of Bagdad
1978-12-09 Pink Press
1978-11-03 Pink Trumpet
1973-02-18 Wham and Eggs
1972-12-31 Blue Racer Blues
1972-08-06 Camera Bug
1972-07-23 Punch and Judo
1972-07-09 Support Your Local Serpent
1972-04-22 Flight to the Finish
1971-12-26 Croakus Pocus
1971-10-20 Pink-In
1971-09-15 Psst Pink
1971-08-04 Cattle Battle
1971-08-04 Pink Tuba-Dore
1971-07-04 A Fink in the Rink
1971-05-23 The Great Continental Overland Cross-Country Race
1971-05-16 From Bed to Worse
1971-03-27 Mud Squad
1971-03-03 Trick or Retreat
1971-01-03 Rough Brunch
1970-12-27 Don't Hustle an Ant with Muscle
1970-09-27 Mumbo Jumbo
1970-09-20 War and Pieces
1970-08-26 Bridgework
1970-06-24 A Taste of Money
1970-06-07 Say Cheese, Please
1969-12-16 A Pair of Greenbacks
1969-10-28 Dune Bug
1969-09-17 A Pair of Sneakers
1969-06-25 Sweet and Sourdough
1969-05-18 In the Pink of the Night
1968-12-20 Pinkcome Tax
1968-12-11 The Pink Package Plot
1962-03-31 Quackodile Tears
1949-10-22 Bye, Bye Bluebeard
1949-06-04 Bowery Bugs
1949-02-12 Porky Chops
1949-01-22 Holiday for Drumsticks
1948-11-26 Riff Raffy Daffy
1948-11-20 The Stupor Salesman
1948-10-02 Odor of the Day
1948-09-10 The Pest That Came to Dinner
1948-08-14 Dough Ray Me-ow
1948-06-25 The Rattled Rooster
1948-05-22 Bone Sweet Bone
1948-05-01 Nothing But the Tooth
1948-03-13 A Hick, a Slick and a Chick
1948-02-14 What Makes Daffy Duck
1948-01-17 Two Gophers from Texas
1947-12-05 Catch as Cats Can
1947-11-28 Mexican Joyride
1947-10-24 Doggone Cats
1947-08-22 The Foxy Duckling
1947-01-24 The Goofy Gophers
1946-11-02 Mouse Menace
1941-11-01 The Great Cheese Mystery
1941-07-30 The Cute Recruit
1941-03-28 There's Music In Your Hair
1941-02-28 The Way of All Pests
1941-01-17 The Streamlined Donkey
1940-10-04 Mr. Elephant Goes to Town
1939-04-28 A Worm's Eye View
1939-03-03 Scrappy's Side Show
1939-02-03 Scrappy's Added Attraction
1938-10-07 Happy Birthday
1938-09-16 The Early Bird
1938-03-27 Scrappy's Playmates
1938-03-26 The Foolish Bunny
1938-01-07 The New Homestead
1937-11-06 The Clock Goes Round And Round
1937-11-05 The Little Match Girl
1937-10-21 The Air Hostess
1937-08-20 Scary Crows
1937-07-16 Indian Serenade
1937-06-04 Scrappy's Music Lesson
1937-05-06 Mother Hen's Holiday
1937-04-15 Let's Go
1936-12-23 A Boy and His Dog
1936-11-28 Dizzy Ducks
1936-09-02 In My Gondola
1936-08-15 The Novelty Shop
1936-07-26 Untrained Seal
1936-04-29 Football Bugs
1936-04-12 Spark Plug
1936-01-02 Scrappy's Boy Scouts
1935-11-07 Let's Ring Doorbells
1935-09-14 Monkey Love
1935-05-10 A Cat, a Mouse and a Bell
1935-01-20 The Shoemaker and the Elves
1935-01-18 The Gloom Chasers
1930-09-01 Toby the Fiddler
1930-08-19 The Museum