Buck Adams

Birthday: 1955-11-15
Deathday: 2008-10-28
Birthplace: Chatsworth, California, USA
Gender: Male

Buck Adams was born on November 15, 1955 in California, USA as Charles Stephen Allen. A former boxer and bouncer, Buck became a pornographic actor and director. He was married to Aspen Brock and Janette Littledove. He was the real-life brother of porn actress Amber Lynn - initially a secret that was revealed when the two were slated to do a scene together. Buck had several heart attacks in 1996, but recovered and was able to keep working. He died on October 28, 2008 in Northridge, California of another massive heart attack.


Year Title
2005-06-16 Beach Patrol
1999-01-01 Major Rock
1998-06-01 Babewatch 8
1997-05-09 Babewatch 7
1996-06-18 Babewatch 6
1996-01-01 Blade
1996-01-01 Babewatch 5
1995-12-31 Babewatch 4
1995-06-25 Frankenstein
1995-05-05 Uninhibited
1995-01-01 Beaver and Buttface
1995-01-01 Babewatch 3
1995-01-01 Beaver & Buttface
1994-10-06 No Motive
1994-06-08 Babewatch 2
1994-06-01 Babewatch
1994-03-19 The Hustlers
1993-05-10 Super Hornio Brothers II
1993-05-03 Super Hornio Brothers
1992-01-01 Speedtrap
1992-01-01 Lethal Passion
1990-04-29 Legal Tender
1990-01-01 Head Nurse
1989-12-29 Date With The Devil
1989-12-01 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Breast
1989-03-08 Virgin Busters
1989-03-03 My Wildest Date
1988-12-31 Good Morning Taija Rae
1988-08-19 With Love, Littledove
1988-01-01 Rockey X 2: The Final Round
1988-01-01 The Amorous Adventures of Janette Littledove