Common Ground

Joshua Tickell

Saving the planet, one acre at a time.
101 min

Sobering yet hopeful, Common Ground exposes the interconnectedness of American farming policy, politics, and illness. Follow the solution-driven plight of Regenerative Farmers as they make a case for soil health across the continent and beyond.


Name Character Team
Joshua Tickell Self Unowned
Rebecca Harrell Tickell Self Unowned
Ray Archuleta Self Unowned
Kara Boyd Self Unowned
Gabe Brown Self Unowned
Rick Clark Self Unowned
Carrie Gillam Self Unowned
Kelly Ryerson Self Unowned
Laura Dern Self Hangin with Mr. Cooper
Jason Momoa Self Goutbreak
Rosario Dawson Self Unowned
Woody Harrelson Self Zac E. Chan
Ian Somerhalder Self Unowned
Donald Glover Self The Free Refills
Mark Hyman Self Unowned