
Richard Clark Jr.

The only motive is pleasure.
84 min

After the brutal murder of a local teen, the small town of Mason Creek is suddenly warped into a horror set.


Name Character Team
Patricia Selznick Lauren Abernathy Unowned
Vic Aviles Principal Ross Unowned
Jayvon Bowens Unowned
John Burcham Sheriff Baxter Jackson Unowned
Brittani Chappell Unowned
Constance Collins Unowned
Spencer Collins Unowned
Heidi Cox Harley Shaw Unowned
Sophia Crittenden Unowned
Benjamin Eastman Unowned
Naydu Fant Unowned
Jessica Fowler Unowned
Lisa Gauss Unowned
Jennifer Hendricks Unowned
Steven Hendricks Unowned
Wofford Jones Police Officer #1 Unowned
David Lowe Killer #2 Unowned
Celeste Marcone Rachel Hamlin Unowned