3 min
"Keeping Up With MFCO" is a short film set across four days, featuring iconic locations such as The Otago Daily Times, the Otago Filming Studio, the Otago Arts Block, and various spots around the Otago campus. Directed by the talented River Scorsese, this film won the prestigious 2025 Hands On Otago Award and boasts a star-studded cast of A-list celebrities.
Name | Character | Team | |
River Soundy | Martin Scorsese | Unowned | |
Jack Carter | Jason Momoa | Unowned | |
Ameila Green | Scarlett Johansson | Unowned | |
Patrick Ngawati | Jude Bellingham | Unowned | |
Mark Timaa | Beyonce | Unowned | |
Lauren Kalin | Adam Sandler | Unowned | |
Renee | Kim Kardashian | Unowned | |
Rob | Jojo Siwa | Unowned | |
Amasio Jutel | Mario (Uncredited) | Unowned | |
Yuki | Yuki (Uncredited) | Unowned | |
Bernard | Einstein (Uncredited) | Unowned |