ATTACK! Live At The Loco


0 min

"Sell out warning! Attack Pro Wrestling returns to Bristol after a 5 year hiatus, transforming Loco Klub into a subterranean battleground of spandex and steel chairs. Featuring Welsh WWE titan Mark ‘Mandrews’ Andrews, Nino Bryant and Kid Lykos’s hotly anticipated title fight + metal maiden Rayne Leverkusen doing her thang. "


Name Character Team
Josh Holly Josh Holly Unowned
Jack Knudsen Jack Knudsen Unowned
Tea Jane Watson Tea Jane Watson Unowned
Matt Boyd ELIJAH Unowned
Session Moth Martina Session Moth Martina Unowned
Visage Visage Unowned
Steffanie Newell Nixon Newell Unowned
Jody Gyivicsan Jody Threat Unowned
Nico Angelo Nico Angelo Unowned
Tommy Vril Tommy Vril Unowned