The challenge of a lifetime...
102 min
In a mystical desert kingdom, young martial arts fighter Cord loses a contest to determine who will journey to take the powerful Book of All Knowedge from Zetan, an evil wizard. Despite his lack of a sponsor, Cord's rule-breaking nature leads him to try retrieving the book anyway. Help is offered by a mysterious blind man who gives advice as Cord fights his way through multiple opponents, discovering more about himself as he gets closer to Zetan.
Name | Character | Team | |
David Carradine | The Blind Man / Monkeyman / Death / Changsha | Unowned | |
Jeff Cooper | Cord | Unowned | |
Christopher Lee | Zetan | Unowned | |
Roddy McDowall | White Robe | Unowned | |
Eli Wallach | Man-in-Oil | Unowned | |
Anthony De Longis | Morthond | Unowned | |
Earl Maynard | Black Giant | Unowned | |
Erica Creer | Tara | Unowned | |
Michael M. Vendrell | Martial Artist | Unowned | |
Leo Whang | Martial Artist | Unowned | |
Donnie Williams | Martial Artist | Unowned | |
Robert Gardner | Martial Artist | Unowned | |
Tom Ascensio | Martial Artist | Unowned | |
Heinz Bernard | Ferryman (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Vincent Di Paolo | Warrior (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Larry S. Dratch | Arena Announcer (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Dov Friedman | Young Monk (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Jeremy Kaplan | Monkeyboy (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Paul Maslansky | Student at Temple (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Elizabeth Motzkin | Japanese Woman (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Ronen Nabah | Beautiful Boy (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Bobby Ne'eman | Thug Leader (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Michal Nedivi | Boy's Mother (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Zipora Peled | Ferryman's Wife (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Kam Yuen | Red Band (uncredited) | Unowned | |
Nissim Zohar | Boy's Father (uncredited) | Unowned |