My Boring Zombie Apocalypse

Kevin Perkins

38 min

What happens when the apocalypse you want is not the apocalypse you get?


Name Character Team
Charlie Dreizen David Unowned
Cary Anderson Chad Unowned
Arnold T. Blumberg Self Unowned
Ian Bonds Zombie Shaun of the Dead Unowned
Patrick Boyer Fire Extinguisher Zombie Unowned
Shane Donovan Zombie Shane Unowned
Zebadiah Drinkwater Preacher Unowned
Sarah Fasha Hindu Princeess Musasha Unowned
Jess Hillary High School Shemp Zombie Unowned
Marty Kircher Redneck infomercial viewer Unowned
Jacob Le Doux extra: zombie-christ parishioner Unowned
John Migliore Italian Newscaster Unowned
Hillary Styer Zombie Unowned
Antonio Tafero Hindu Unowned
Ryan Scott Thomas Principal Strickland Unowned
Rob Thompson White Shirt Zombie Unowned