Ali Bougheraba

99 min

SEGPAs are fired from their establishment. To their surprise, they joined the prestigious Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Principal, reluctant to see his school's reputation deteriorate, imagines a ploy to fire SEGPA while retaining aid.


Name Character Team
Issa Doumbia Père de Charly Unowned
Alban Ivanov Père de Walid Unowned
Ichem Bougheraba Ichem Unowned
Walid Ben Amar Walid Unowned
Arriles Amrani Ariles Unowned
Abd-el-Kader Biskri Kader Unowned
Charles Nyobe Charly Unowned
Lahcène Amari Lahssen Unowned
Anthony Pinheiro Said Unowned
Emma Smet Claire Unowned
Grégory Brand Professeur de mathématiques lycée Unowned
Grégory Di Meglio Vétérinaire #2 Unowned
Camille Lellouche Cheerleader chorégraphe Unowned
Kader Bueno Kader Unowned
Vincent Pasdermadjian Jonah Unowned
Inès Boukhelifa Anaïs Unowned
Vadim Agid Archibald Unowned
Nicolas Sartous Jordan Unowned
Yacine Belhousse Shekam Unowned
Moussa Maaskri Nouredine Unowned
Rebecca Hampton Mère de Claire Unowned
Alicia Tadrist Kimberley Unowned
Illyas Bouzrara Geek 1 Unowned
Tim Rousseau Geek 2 Unowned
Théo Balcells Élève photo Unowned
Valentin Duclaux Willy Unowned
Nicolas Dromard Entraîneur Unowned
Alban Casterman Professeur d'histoire-géographie lycée Unowned
Frédéric Soulayrol Principal Unowned
Xavier Her Mr Cheuque Unowned
Roman Frayssinet Professeur de biologie Segpa Unowned
Candy Chagouri Mme Perruchon Unowned
Rym Foglia Chantal Shekam Unowned
Nassim Lyes Racaille #1 Unowned
Nassim Bouguezzi Racaille #2 Unowned
Martine Bourrillon Belle-mère Claire Unowned
Hamza Bensahnoune Professeur de technologie Segpa Unowned
Nader Soufi Père de Kader Unowned
Maude Bourdin Mère d'élève soirée Unowned
Zohra Hamiti Mère d'Ichem Unowned
Géraldine Loup Vétérinaire #1 Unowned
Eden Long Jeune fille déguisé Unowned
Youssef Sahraoui Chaperon Unowned
Laurent Artufel Parent d'élève #1 Unowned
Hakim Jemili Parent d'élève #2 Unowned
Jeremie Dethelot Parent d'élève #3 Unowned
Dimitri Payet Dimitri Payet Unowned