Bujar Lako

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2014-03-27 Amsterdam Express Selim
2009-09-05 Honeymoons Nikov otac
2005-11-01 Magic Eye Petro
1989-01-01 The Return of the Dead Army Gjenerali Italian
1987-07-02 Murder while Hunting
1987-07-01 A Phone Call in the Morning Nestori
1987-01-01 Foundations
1986-04-22 The Mistake Arjani
1984-12-28 The Unforgotten Besim Perja
1984-06-14 The Decision Këshilltati
1983-03-18 The Hot Hand Spahiu - motoçiklisti
1983-01-01 The Stones of my House
1982-01-01 The Second November Luigj Gurakuqi
1979-11-07 Face to Face Mujo Bermema
1978-06-04 The Road of Writing Tunxhi
1978-02-11 General Gramophone Halit Berati
1976-10-25 Confrontation Martin Kreka
1975-11-22 At the Beginning of Summer Misto