Aleksandr Trofimov

Birthday: 1952-03-18
Birthplace: Moscow, USSR [now Russia]
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2014-08-14 The Lower Depths
2008-08-07 Russians
2004-04-16 Evilenko Agente corrotto
1992-01-01 Gongofer Ganna's bodyguard
1991-12-01 Cocktail Mirage
1991-04-08 Identification st. John
1990-11-01 Gambrinus тапёр
1990-02-17 The Initiated Frolov
1990-01-01 The Suicide интеллигент Аристарх Доминикович
1988-11-01 Wanderer
1987-07-22 Kreutzer Sonata
1987-06-01 Peter Pan James Hook
1984-11-19 Dead Souls Nikolai Gogol
1984-01-01 Выигрыш одинокого коммерсанта
1983-12-31 Romeo and Juliet брат Лоренцо
1981-02-15 The Woman in White Professor Pesca
1980-06-30 Little Tragedies Вальсингам