Markus Konká

Birthday: 1954-03-21
Birthplace: Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2024-10-18 The Tuner of Silences Zacarias
2023-08-10 Destino das Sombras
2023-01-25 Mend Babalu
2021-11-12 The First Fallen Georgette
2020-09-06 Cemetery of Lost Souls Pajé Nauru
2020-01-25 The Uninhabitable Ones
2018-08-30 The Black Forest Pai Pedro
2017-07-01 A Mesa no Deserto
2015-08-25 Punhal
2015-01-28 Dark Fables Pai Pedro
2015-01-28 Pampa Feroz Pai Pedro
2015-01-24 O Saci Pai Pedro
2014-09-12 Entreturnos Bigode
2013-10-16 Dark Sea Peroa
2012-10-05 Sombras do Tempo
2011-10-12 The Night of the Chupacabras Seu Pedro Silva
2011-01-01 A Nona Vítima Andarilho
2008-07-28 Mud Zombies Agenor dos Santos
2005-01-01 In The Beginning Was The Word
2001-01-01 A Morte da Mulata
1997-08-08 O Amor Está No Ar
1994-05-01 Lamarca
1984-06-03 Quilombo Katambo