Marina Janashia

Birthday: 1949-12-28
Deathday: 2021-05-27
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2023-11-26 Forced Migration of Butterflies Steve's Mom
2013-09-19 In Bloom Teacher
2013-02-07 A Fold in My Blanket Anna
1993-07-16 დინოზავრის კვერცხი
1992-01-01 Wisdom of Lies
1991-06-12 ო, რა ტკბილია განშორების ეს ნაზი სევდა Eurydice
1989-06-23 Children of Sin
1989-04-01 The Lonely Hunter Marika
1984-01-01 Monday is A Normal Day
1983-01-10 Beginning of the Road
1976-01-01 Case Goes to Court Liana Devdariani pomoshchnik prokurora
1971-01-15 Nutsa Nutsa