Anabela Brígida

Birthday: 1971-10-21
Birthplace: Lisbon, Portugal
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2024-05-05 In The Woods Alice
2024-04-07 O Pomar Mãe
2020-11-05 Donzela Guerreira Emília Monforte
2020-01-01 The Bodiless Woman
2018-05-02 The Hours Of Light Ana
2012-04-10 Photo Odete
2009-05-14 Apotheosis
2004-04-18 Fair Day Isabel
2003-03-18 Só Por Acaso Cristina
2000-02-04 When It Thunders Violeta
1999-01-01 Golpe de Asa Rapariga
1997-08-08 Minus 9