Vladimir Nikitin

Birthday: 1949-07-18
Birthplace: USSR
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2019-12-05 The Fixer: Millennium bearded man at the sawmill
2016-12-29 The Snow Queen 3: Fire and Ice
2016-07-30 May
2014-01-13 Петля времени
2012-08-08 Wings
1998-01-01 Sex in the Russian Way
1993-06-06 Wagon
1992-05-01 An Outrageous Woman
1991-01-01 Det rare Lars
1990-05-30 A Friend is Missing
1990-05-01 Entrance to Labyrinth Overclocker
1990-04-01 Night of the Long Knives
1988-10-10 86400 Seconds of Police Duty Work Zvyagintsev - starshiy leitenent dezhurnyy
1985-08-26 Attention, All Posts! Dugin
1982-12-19 Capture Pyotr Muminov
1981-12-31 I'm Staying with You партизан
1981-07-14 We Take Everything Upon Ourselves Баландин
1980-12-30 Granddaughter of Ice Brautwerber
1980-07-07 Take Me With You Филат
1979-07-30 Colonel Zorin Version милиционер-оперативник
1977-06-06 Mimino Igor
1976-01-01 One Night Only Евгений Михайлович Лисицын, пилот, одноклассник Нины
1975-06-06 The Road