Pyotr Chardynin

Birthday: 1873-02-08
Deathday: 1934-08-14
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1918-05-14 Be Silent, Sorrow, Be Silent Lorio, Musik-Clown
1914-12-25 Do You Remember?.. Lev Nilski
1914-12-01 Volga And Siberia Ivan the Terrible
1912-11-26 The Peasants' Lot Pyotr's father
1911-12-13 The Country Man, or The Involuntary Tragedian Nikifor Nikiforovich
1911-12-09 What A Kiss! The bank director
1911-05-02 Vasilisa Melentievna and Tsar Ivan the Terrible Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Vorotynskiy
1911-03-14 Eugene Onegin Onegin
1911-01-02 The Kreutzer Sonata Poznyshev
1910-10-02 Vadim Boyarin Palitsyn
1910-03-22 Choosing A Bride For The Tsar
1910-01-02 Boyar Orsha Orsha
1909-11-14 The Power of Darkness Nikita
1909-11-10 The Enchantress Prince Kurlyatev
1909-05-08 A Sixteenth Century Russian Wedding Groom's father
1909-03-15 The Song of the Merchant Kalashnikov Merchant Kalashnikov
1909-01-01 Dead Souls Nozdrev
1909-01-01 Drama in Moscow
1908-12-20 Drama in a Gypsy Camp Near Moscow