Aleksandr Solovyov

Birthday: 1952-08-19
Deathday: 2000-01-01
Birthplace: Sulak, Dagestanskaya ASSR, RSFSR, USSR
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2000-01-01 Спасатели. Затмение Андрей
1993-08-09 Я сама Сека Нестеров
1992-10-30 A Child by November Vladimir Petrovich (emergency doctor)
1992-02-03 Thunder Over Rus'
1992-01-01 Arbiter The Arbiter
1991-12-01 Tanks Are Running on Taganka "Ygrek", aka Kostya
1991-11-10 Ooh, Train Robbery «Zhorych»
1991-02-02 And to Hell with Us!
1989-05-22 Jackals
1989-01-01 Tell Me, Jupiter!..
1988-09-09 Лев и 9 гиен Son hyena (voice)
1988-02-01 The Gray-Haired Bear
1987-05-22 Broken Circle Клёнов (главный технолог фабрики)
1987-01-01 Women's Club
1986-08-31 At the edge of the sword
1986-01-01 Пропал Петя-петушок The Frog (voice)
1984-04-16 Sudden Release
1983-12-28 The Green Van Красавчик
1983-05-10 K svoim! Валера Иванов
1981-10-29 На Гранатовых островах
1981-06-02 Father Had Three Sons
1981-05-30 Ladies Invite Gentlemen blonde man
1981-05-06 Exuberant Terek
1980-12-31 Лес
1980-03-03 Today and Tomorrow Павел Бажутин
1980-01-01 Adam Marries Eve Adam
1978-01-01 Father Frost and the Grey Wolf (voice)
1976-01-01 Эквилибрист Юрий Осташенко
1970-01-27 The City of First Love Teenager