Jitka Schneiderová

Birthday: 1973-03-23
Birthplace: Znojmo, Czechoslovakia [now Czech Republic]
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned

Jitka Schneiderová [jitka šnajderová] (* March 23, 1973 Znojmo) is a Czech actress.

Originally, she did not want to be a teacher, but she graduated from a secondary pedagogical school. Thanks to her musical and movement talent, she decided to join JAMU. Already during her studies, she was a guest at the Brno City Theater and appeared in original Czech musicals in Brno and Prague. She received an offer to the Mrštík Brothers Theater and began studying at DAMU, where she was taught, for example, by Jan Kačer.

She changed several theaters in Prague, and gained a permanent engagement only in 1996 at Studio Ypsilon. After seven years, she decided to leave her permanent engagement and went free. Thanks to that, for example, she appeared at the Prague Summer Shakespeare Festival, where she performed in King Lear.

It also began to appear on television. She shot the sitcom Nováci for TV Nova, and several fairy tales for Czech Television, such as Crossed Swords. She also appeared in the series Arrowsmith. Her popularity was brought by the main role of Hanka in David Ondříček's film The Loners. The Queen of the Lakes also played a major role in Václav Vorlíček's fairy tale. In 2006, she played teacher Alice in the comedy How to Tame Crocodiles. She also appeared in the series Airport, Black Ambulance, Přešlapy, Pojišťovna štěstí V.

Her ex-husband is the actor David Švehlík, to whom she gave birth to a daughter Sofia Anna in 2006.

In 2015, she participated in the StarDance dance competition, in which she placed second. She danced with Mark Dědík. She was defeated by Marie Doležalová, who danced with Marek Zelinka.


Year Title Character
Czech Girl
2024-11-14 After Party
2021-10-14 Láska na špičkách Zuzana Nosková
2021-07-29 Bet on Friendship prodavačka
2016-03-17 Doubles Ivana Prospalová
2015-10-22 Lost in Munich Dana
2014-05-08 Hany
2012-02-10 Breaking the Circles Anna
2009-04-13 Fispan's Apple Královna Stepánka
2009-01-25 Oběti: Karambol Magda Hasková
2008-12-24 Kouzla králů královna ohně
2007-01-01 Kája a Zabi
2006-01-11 Taming Crocodiles učitelka Alice
2005-11-06 Ruth to vidí jinak Magda
2003-05-27 King Lear Regan
2002-02-17 Zázračné meče Helena, jeho žena
2001-01-01 Manželka Ronalda Sheldona
2001-01-01 Zvonící meče Helena
2000-04-13 Loners Hanka
1999-12-26 Zakletý vrch
1999-01-03 Smůla
1998-12-31 Spravedlivý Bohumil
1998-09-05 Hejkalka
1998-03-15 O Držgrešlovi a Drždukátovi
1998-02-26 Queen of the Lake Princezna Odetta
1998-01-01 Zkřížené meče Helena, jeho dcera
1997-12-25 O spanilé Jašince
1997-01-05 The Happiest Kingdom Alice
1997-01-02 O sirotkovi z Radhoště