Valentina Khmara

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1984-05-21 Twice Born nurse
1983-03-21 Не было печали
1977-10-11 Where Are You, Bagira? Anna, Tanya's mother
1977-02-04 Speech for the Defence
1976-01-01 Next to You Нора Семёновна (пионервожатая)
1975-03-27 Daughters-Mothers governess of an orphanage
1973-05-24 Incorrigible Liar hairdresser
1972-05-15 Twinkles Natalya
1972-04-12 Taming of the Fire Secretary
1972-01-12 Вчера, сегодня и всегда мать Крещука
1969-05-24 The Last Holidays
1966-08-29 A Traveller with Luggage Pioneer leader
1965-09-06 On Tomorrow's Street
1963-11-09 You're Not Alone Valentina
1963-05-17 Kak rozhdayutsya tosty
1962-07-31 Twelve Companions Lena
1962-07-18 The Telephone Operator Galina
1959-12-17 Thirst Masha
1958-01-01 Spring Rain
1957-10-26 Quiet Flows the Don Mashutka Koshevaya
1955-04-19 Nadezhda