Natsumi Yanase

Birthday: 1971-05-10
Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned

Yanase Natsumi, born May 10, 1971, is a Japanese voice actress from Tokyo, Japan. Her former stage name was Yanase Hiromi (柳瀬 洋美 Yanase Hiromi). She is currently a freelancer.

Maki Izumi is an alias Yanase Natsumi has used when working on adult games/anime.


Year Title Character
2021-07-16 Kud Wafter (voice)
2015-04-12 The Labyrinth of Grisaia Chizuru Tachibana (voice)
2013-08-28 Little Busters!: Sekai no Saitou wa Ore ga Mamoru!
2009-12-18 Binkan Athlete Yaginuma Nao (voice)
2008-09-26 ef - a tale of melodies. ~prologue~
2000-02-14 First Kiss Story
1996-03-31 Debutante Detective Corps Youko Ryuuzaki (voice)