Robyn Malcolm

Birthday: 1965-03-15
Birthplace: Ashburton, New Zealand
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
Pike River Sonya Rockhouse
2024-05-02 The Moon Is Upside Down Hilary
2020-04-30 This Town Pam
2018-10-19 Twenty One Points Mum
2018-07-28 Charmer Woman
2017-12-22 Hostiles Minnie McCowan
2016-01-01 Goodness Grows Here Trish
2015-12-12 Dream Baby Marianne
2013-05-02 Drift Kat Kelly
2011-09-10 Burning Man Kathryn Dent
2010-07-15 The Hopes and Dreams of Gazza Snell Gail
2006-12-26 Outrageous Fortune: The Movie Cheryl West
2005-02-04 Boogeyman Dr. Matheson
2003-10-09 Perfect Strangers Aileen
2002-12-18 The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Morwen
1993-12-19 Joyful and Triumphant Raewyn Bishop
1993-02-20 Absent Without Leave Betty