Irina Sokolova

Birthday: 1940-12-24
Birthplace: Murmansk, RSFSR, USSR
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2021-11-10 On the Last Journey
2021-09-13 I Am a Clown
2016-09-22 Petersburg: Selfie
2016-01-01 Morning
2015-06-04 Under Electric Clouds
2012-06-06 Serving the Soviet Union!
2009-10-15 Jolly Fellows
2009-10-15 Jolly Fellows aunt Dasha
2009-10-07 Вербное воскресенье Naumovna, cellmate of Oksana
2004-08-29 The Edelweiss Pirates Friedel Krämer
2002-10-24 The Lover Sima
2002-03-14 War
2001-09-01 The Turn of the Century Marina Nikolaevna
2000-06-06 His Wife's Diary
1999-02-01 Moloch Joseph Goebbels
1994-12-26 The Castle Micci
1994-07-01 Злая судьба the fate of Santina
1992-08-23 Dancing Ghosts Galina Nikolaevna
1990-12-31 Sunset
1990-04-17 Return to Zurbagan Antonina Semyonovna
1989-10-23 A Gift from Soldier Ivan Varezhkin
1989-08-24 Grief in a Snuffbox
1988-12-01 Days of Eclipse Malyanov's Sister
1987-02-01 Mournful Unconcern Guinness's nurse
1981-09-20 Ruma Elsa Мини, служанка
1981-09-10 Maigret and the Man on the Bench Madame Toure
1978-12-23 The Rest Is Silence Cora Payne
1976-04-03 The Strange Mrs. Savage Mrs. Paddy
1973-01-01 Rabbit reserve
1971-07-26 The Road to Rübezahl Dusya