István Somló

Birthday: 1902-05-08
Deathday: 1971-04-05
Birthplace: Szolnok, Hungary
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1960-03-10 Virrad teacher Pogány
1959-11-26 Pár lépés a határ Prison director
1958-01-01 Pillar of Salt
1957-12-25 At Midnight
1957-10-03 Fever Szegáll
1957-02-07 Tale on the 12 Points Dr. Bartha Ferenc, orvos
1956-10-18 Professor Hannibal
1956-09-20 Gala Dinner
1956-01-19 The bridge of life Võneki
1955-10-13 A Strange Mark of Identity Váraljay
1955-04-02 Springtime in Budapest
1952-01-24 Nyugati övezet Thompson
1951-04-12 Honour and Glory Bittera
1937-09-14 Lady Seeks a Room Dr. Lukács Sándor, ügyvéd
1935-04-10 Villa for Sale Betörõ