Jeanne Bournaud

Birthday: 1981-06-07
Birthplace: France
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
La Manière forte DIPN Huygues
2024-11-02 Brigade du fleuve Lucie
2023-11-14 Noël… et plus si affinités Florence
2023-09-15 Coup de Chance Linda
2023-06-10 La Malédiction du lys Daphné
2022-10-19 The New Toy Présentatrice JT
2020-10-30 Rogue City Hélène Litvak
2020-09-18 Storm Warning Ludivine
2019-11-27 Disclaimer Florence d'Artois
2019-02-27 New Biz in the Hood Nathalie
2019-01-27 Amours à mort Laure Thouvenin
2016-05-04 The Crew Marion
2012-11-28 Il neige sur Acapulco Caroline
2012-09-12 What the Day Owes the Night Hélène
2012-01-31 Would I Lie to You? 3 Jennifer
2011-11-02 Special Forces Alex