Július Vašek

Birthday: 1926-12-29
Deathday: 2009-05-01
Birthplace: Nove Zamky, Slovakia
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned

Július Vašek (* December 29, 1926, Nové Zámky - † May 1, 2009, Bratislava) was a Slovak actor.

After finishing acting at the Bratislava Conservatory in 1954, he made his debut with the film Wooden Village, which was an adaptation of František Heček's novel. He has acted in more than fifty films. He mostly portrayed negative characters - nervous or emotional types of men in borderline situations, e.g. as well as the characters of guardsmen, German soldiers and, paradoxically, partisans in films from the Second World War, where his acting skills were most evident. Unforgettable was his performance in the films Captain Dabač, Romance for flugelhorn and Pacho, Hybské zbojník. However, he was most famous for the character of Prašivec in Martin Hollé's film Copper Tower and especially Orlie Feather. In the 1970s, he was at the peak of his acting career. Undoubtedly, one of the most important tasks of his acting career is the portrayal of the mysterious character of Karol Neuman in the Czech film The Case of the Dead Man, in which he played the main role. He was also excellent in the character of Pančuch in the film Red Wine. He got his last chance in the Czech sci-fi film The Last Move.


Year Title Character
2000-01-01 Obeť
1995-04-27 Poslední přesun
1992-01-01 Pavilón číslo 6
1992-01-01 Vymyslení ľudia
1991-01-01 Koleso osudu
1991-01-01 Lorenzaccio
1991-01-01 Amonina pomsta
1990-01-01 Fuente ovejuna Alonso
1989-01-01 Staroružová dráma
1989-01-01 Muž, ktorý skorumpoval Hadleyburg
1989-01-01 Letiace tiene
1988-05-01 Hody Gabrielin otec
1988-03-01 Narozeniny režiséra Z. K.
1988-01-01 Dirigent
1988-01-01 Exemplárny prípad
1987-04-01 The Galoshes of Happiness
1987-01-01 Gottšalk
1987-01-01 Sudca vo vlastnej pasci
1986-05-01 Caught by Night
1985-01-01 Štvrtá hlava draka
1985-01-01 Hlupákovo šťastie
1985-01-01 Marka Nalezenka
1985-01-01 Ako dve hrdličky
1985-01-01 Konečne bude mier!
1984-08-01 Sweet Troubles
1984-03-01 Man Is Not Desirable
1984-01-01 Umenie komédie
1984-01-01 Ťažký deň strigônika Ďura Uncle
1983-04-01 Pavilón šeliem
1982-01-01 Chlapec a husle
1982-01-01 Pražská terčovnica
1982-01-01 Cukor
1981-09-18 Fénix
1981-01-01 Prípad Evy Burdovej
1981-01-01 Hlúpa rozprávka
1981-01-01 Syn človeka
1980-06-06 Revenge
1980-05-09 Julek
1980-04-25 Hordubal
1980-02-26 Dnes platí regulačný stupeň č. 6
1980-01-01 Karate-gi
1980-01-01 Najatý klaun
1979-09-14 Rosnička
1979-07-06 Blízke diaľavy
1979-07-02 Chobotnica Dyk
1979-02-23 Pustý dvor
1979-01-01 Uzlíky nádeje
1979-01-01 Smrť chodí po horách
1979-01-01 Moment kritického zaťaženia
1978-12-01 Lvi salónů
1978-05-05 Súkromná vojna
1978-03-17 The Lawyer
1978-02-24 Nie
1978-01-01 Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
1977-12-25 Second Love Veghegyi
1977-12-19 Odsúdenie Paganiniho
1977-12-05 Chlapi
1977-08-26 Slnko vychádza nad Prašivou
1977-07-08 Škola klebiet
1977-01-17 Sen o Krištofovi Kolumbusovi
1977-01-01 Zelená košeľa
1976-11-22 Dni Turbinovcov
1976-09-13 Tereza
1976-08-17 One Silver Piece Gabor
1976-07-02 Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe Mišo
1976-04-30 Stroskotanie Danubia
1975-12-24 Strieborný prach
1975-09-29 Studené podnebie
1975-05-30 Případ mrtvého muže
1974-10-04 Do zbrane, kuruci
1974-08-23 Deň, ktorý neumrie
1974-05-17 People from the Subway
1974-05-13 Veľké pokušenie
1974-04-12 Prípad krásnej nerestnice
1974-01-18 Skrytý prameň
1974-01-01 Siroty (voice)
1973-12-28 The Legend of the Silver Fir Lojzek Hojger
1973-03-02 Maple and Juliana Soldier
1973-02-23 Dvě věci pro život
1973-01-05 Letokruhy
1972-09-29 Mŕtve oči
1972-08-25 Eagle Feather
1972-05-26 And Give My Love to the Swallows Father
1972-01-01 Anglická blcha v cárskom Rusku
1972-01-01 Igor a výmyselníci
1971-08-27 Hľadači svetla
1971-06-21 Kráľ sa zabáva
1971-05-21 Zlozor
1971-02-12 Adrift Jánoš Gabay (voice)
1971-01-01 Čarodejný nápoj
1970-08-28 The Copper Tower Prasivec
1970-04-16 Judgement
1969-01-30 Stopy na Sitne Hübschmann (voice)
1969-01-01 Symetrála
1968-12-06 The Deserter and the Nomads Bergman (segment "Zbehovia") (voice)
1968-09-20 Niet inej cesty
1968-03-27 The Man Who Lies Vladimir
1968-01-01 Smrť Márie Jankovskej
1968-01-01 The Ballad of Seven Hanged Men Commander of executions
1967-11-16 The Pickpockets
1967-03-03 Romance for Bugle
1966-08-05 Majster kat
1966-01-21 Saint Elizabeth Square Ján Flórik
1966-01-01 Na brehu priezračnej rieky
1965-01-01 Kubo
1964-12-25 Prípad pre obhajcu
1964-01-17 Kto si bez viny...
1964-01-10 Lucie
1964-01-01 Marína Havranová
1964-01-01 Šesť postáv hľadá autora
1962-11-23 Tam za lesem
1962-10-26 Bílá oblaka
1962-08-24 Brothers
1962-03-09 Pokorené rieky Korba (voice)
1961-05-01 The Song of the Grey Pigeon
1960-05-13 Interrupted Song
1960-03-05 Skaly a ľudia
1960-01-01 Smrť sa volá Engelchen
1959-11-06 Kapitán Dabač
1959-08-28 V hodine dvanástej Officer
1958-02-14 Štyridsaťštyri Matej Frujak
1957-05-17 The Devil Does Not Sleep
1956-02-17 Mišo sebepán
1955-02-18 The Wooden Village