Raúl Pomares

Birthday: 1934-09-17
Deathday: 2015-01-19
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
Patty Candela
2016-07-01 Esteban Melón
2012-04-21 Tiempo de Partir Alfredo
2011-08-25 Habanastation Vendedor de Tomates
2006-02-01 Mata que Dios perdona Esteban
2003-01-01 Hurricanes Germán
2002-05-06 Doble Juego Armando
1995-03-01 Love Me and You Will See...
1994-12-01 The Elephant and The Bicycle
1991-02-19 Alice in Wondertown
1988-01-05 Too Afraid of Life or Splat Tomas
1986-02-05 Another Woman
1985-01-01 Jíbaro
1979-10-01 Portrait of Teresa
1978-06-06 The Recourse to the Method
1978-01-01 Woman, Man, City
1972-01-02 A Cuban Fight Against Demons
1971-03-20 The Days of Water Lino
1969-05-22 The First Charge of the Machete