Panos Gavalas

Birthday: 1926-11-26
Deathday: 1988-12-03
Birthplace: Athens, Greece
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2023-09-30 Folk Bards - Moments of their lives and ours Panos Gavalas
1966-11-16 Η Αδελφή Μου Θέλει Ξύλο singer
1966-01-01 Angels of Sin
1966-01-01 Το μυστικό μιας μητέρας singer
1965-01-01 The Poor Child singer
1964-07-25 My Bitter Love Singer
1964-02-17 Lola Τραγουδιστής
1964-01-01 The Harefoot singer
1963-10-16 Seven Days of Lying singer