Vančo Petruševski

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2018-09-06 Making Off Gjuro
2015-10-29 Be Loyal
2007-01-01 Dossier K Inspektor Aco
2001-01-13 The Night Before Saint Basil Popot
1999-01-01 Barrel Policaec 1
1995-08-10 Angels of the Dumps Matej
1992-10-22 Time, Life Asistent na rezhiser
1986-07-13 The Salonika Rattles Sotka
1986-06-27 Happy New '49 Šofer na Jorgačev
1985-02-25 From Behind
1984-01-01 A Flight Without Moving Zograf
1983-01-01 Guilty
1977-07-12 The Verdict
1974-10-11 First Evening