Serge Spira

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1989-10-21 Torrents of Spring Doctor Past
1988-02-24 The Possessed Fedka
1986-12-03 The Malady of Love François, guard
1985-02-27 Mad Love The Baron
1983-10-31 Un dimanche de flics Singuer
1983-04-20 Move Along, There Is Nothing to See! Le policier du guichet
1982-02-01 Qu'est-ce qu'on attend pour ĂȘtre heureux! Machinist
1976-05-26 The Tenant Philippe
1973-06-28 I. You. They. Le jeune peintre
1972-10-31 The Big Shots
1971-11-13 OSS 117 tue le taon 2e officier russe
1970-09-06 Mimsy Were the Borogoves Tourist's son
1970-04-11 Clock Head Le clochard
1967-09-29 The Wanderer Mouche Boeuf