Aleksandr Bespalyy

Birthday: 1948-11-08
Deathday: 2016-08-22
Birthplace: Polotsk, Belorussian SSR, USSR
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2005-07-17 Deep Current
2005-02-05 I Remember
2004-12-31 Saga of the Ancient Bulgars: The Ladder of Vladimir the Red Sun Vladimir in old age
2001-01-01 Свежына з салютам эпизод
1999-01-01 Animals' Winter (voice)
1998-04-08 Little Fighter
1994-07-10 Romance, Russian Style
1993-08-12 The Black Stork
1991-12-10 The Idiot Policmen
1991-09-03 Siwa legenda Justyn
1991-06-06 Keshka and Gangsters Fiksatiy
1991-01-01 Brunette for 30 Cents Klimenko
1990-06-07 Ravines
1990-01-16 Dubrovsky Police Officer
1989-01-01 Stepan Sergeich Mefodiy Soroka
1987-01-01 Last Step
1986-11-03 Zina-Zinulya Driver
1986-01-01 Экзамен на директора Village Council Chairman
1984-07-12 Fairies' Autumn Gift The Courtier
1984-04-09 White Dew Мишка
1984-01-03 The Black Castle Olshansky
1984-01-01 Still Waters are Deep
1983-06-12 A Bus Driver капитан
1982-07-07 Купальская ночь Максим (отец Василька)
1982-05-01 The Sails of My Childhood
1981-05-27 State Border: Vol. 2. Peaceful Summer of '21
1980-06-01 There is No Third
1979-12-10 Captain Lie-Devil Episodic role
1979-07-26 Let's Talk, Brother...
1978-12-03 Roadside Shabashnik
1978-01-01 Дебют
1977-10-20 В профиль и анфас (Киноальманах) сын Павла (новела «Берега»)
1977-01-01 Black Birch
1976-12-13 There, Beyond the Horizon aircraft factory worker
1976-01-01 One Night Only посетитель ресторана (нет в титрах)
1974-12-25 The Great Tamer Sailor Kostya
1974-12-07 Because I Love Sasha
1974-01-01 The Bronze Bird militiaman
1973-12-03 Shores