Ruxandra Sireteanu

Birthday: 1943-12-20
Deathday: 2014-02-18
Birthplace: Craiova, Dolj, Romania
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2006-06-09 Păcală se întoarce Romanian customs agent's wife
2001-04-01 Train Quest Mrs. Dalby
1994-03-18 The Stone Cross
1994-01-01 Fed Up
1992-06-08 Love and Warm Water
1992-04-05 Divorț... din dragoste Venerica Dulamă, șefa Biroului de Cadre
1992-01-01 The Drake's Head
1984-10-26 O lumină la etajul zece ghida de turism, o doamnă de la petrecerea de Revelion
1984-03-12 The Impossible Love
1979-01-01 Jachetele galbene The Wife
1978-04-03 September Marga Abrudan
1975-12-22 The Long Drive