Larisa Dolina

Birthday: 1955-09-10
Birthplace: Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, USSR
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2017-06-12 Light Up!
2017-04-11 Love and Sax
2006-01-01 First Express jazz singer
2002-12-31 Cinderella Godmother
1998-01-01 Old Songs About the Main Thing 3 королева Анна Австрийская
1997-12-31 Новейшие приключения Буратино Tortila
1997-01-01 Old Songs about the Main Thing 2
1996-01-01 Old Songs About the Main Thing заведующая сельпо
1989-01-01 Souvenir for the Prosecutor Larisa
1984-01-30 Вместе с Дунаевским
1983-06-06 We're from Jazz Clementine
1979-05-27 A Very Blue Beard Вивианна третья жена, озвучка