Nikolai Ryzhov

Birthday: 1900-10-31
Deathday: 1986-05-12
Birthplace: Moscow, Russian Empire, [now Russia]
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1977-02-20 Optimistic Tragedy боцман
1975-10-05 The Forest Milonov
1970-08-10 The Secret Agent's Destiny Vasnetsov
1969-01-10 The Brothers Karamazov Трифон Борисыч Пластунов, хозяин постоялого двора в Мокром
1969-01-01 Sin
1964-01-01 Port Arthur
1959-09-23 Растеряева улица
1952-01-14 Truth is Good, But Happiness is Better
1950-01-21 The Fall of Berlin Kaganovich
1944-11-23 Zoya Zoya's Father
1943-06-06 1812 Волконский
1941-07-14 В тылу врага
1925-09-22 The Stationmaster Hussar