Zuzana Talpová

Birthday: 1932-05-10
Deathday: 2005-04-11
Gender: Female
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1994-01-01 Noční mora
1988-06-01 How Poets Are Enjoying Their Lives Official
1987-04-01 Etudes for Piano Students
1986-08-01 It's Not Me
1986-04-01 Ants Bring Death
1985-10-01 Give the Devil His Due Cookie
1984-12-24 Rumburak
1984-03-01 Sestricky
1984-02-01 Angel in a Devil's Body
1983-12-01 Fandy ó Fandy
1983-01-01 Naši furianti Rozárka, manželka majitele hospody
1981-05-22 Sugar House Němka
1980-05-23 Love Between the Raindrops
1978-04-14 Oddechový čas
1975-12-19 Akce v Istanbulu
1975-01-31 Sedmého dne večer
1974-09-13 Vysoká modrá zeď
1973-03-16 Affairs of my Wife
1973-01-01 Rambling Engelbert
1972-05-26 And Give My Love to the Swallows
1972-05-05 Svatba bez prstýnku
1972-01-01 A Touch of a Butterfly Dívka
1970-02-27 I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen
1970-01-01 Romanetto
1967-10-06 The End of Agent W4C
1962-01-01 Deštivý den