Nikolay Kuzmin

Birthday: 1917-02-25
Deathday: 1999-03-14
Birthplace: Russian Empire
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1992-11-01 The Village of Khlyupovo Secedes From the Union
1991-03-24 Arithmetic of a Murder Матвей Иванович Брюханов (нет в титрах)
1990-06-06 Tale of the Moon Outstanding
1989-06-14 Прямая трансляция starik, koposhashchiysya v pochtovom yashchike
1989-01-01 These... Three True Cards...
1988-06-01 Name эпизод
1987-01-14 Точка возврата
1985-12-30 Got Snow Maiden?
1984-11-05 Every Tenth
1984-01-30 Park
1983-06-25 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra Lal Chovdar
1983-06-25 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra - Part 1 Lal Chovdar
1983-01-01 Nomads of the North Makoki
1980-09-14 I Don't Guarantee Personal Safety
1979-12-13 Exercise with Three Unknowns San Sanych - nachalnik taksoparka
1979-06-01 Awkward
1979-06-01 The Treasure of the Black Mountains
1978-06-15 Artyom Мироныч
1977-08-01 Everyday Matters
1977-02-28 To Survive Until Dawn
1976-11-11 Stepan's Remembrance miner
1976-06-14 Who, If Not You...
1976-01-15 Время-не-ждет Kempbell - zolotoiskatel'
1976-01-01 Only Together Semyon Fyodorovich
1975-11-17 Blokada: Pulkovskiy meredian Zhogin
1974-12-01 Blockade: The Luga Defense Line Zhogin
1974-01-01 The Bronze Bird Boatman
1972-06-01 Идущие за горизонт
1971-08-12 Drama from the Old Life
1971-07-19 Anna's Happiness Shemyakin
1970-12-15 King Lear
1970-04-06 Bridges Over Oblivion Bandit 3
1970-03-16 The Incredible Yehudiel Chlamydia
1969-10-21 Bonivur's Heart Ivan Lozovoy
1969-07-14 On the Way to Berlin
1967-12-25 No Path Through Fire командир красноармейского отряда
1967-01-23 12 graves of Khoja Nasreddin Sanitar
1967-01-09 A Winter Morning печник Трофимов
1966-04-04 Roll call
1965-11-16 Nights of Farewell Teamster
1965-09-13 Musicians of the Same Regiment
1965-01-27 Null kolm
1963-10-21 Улица Ньютона, дом 1 Fisherman (uncredited)
1963-07-07 Знакомьтесь, Балуев!
1963-02-11 A Trip Without a Load driver (uncredited)
1963-01-01 The Mandate Grizha
1961-05-15 Morning Again Sharonov
1961-01-07 Weekdays and Holidays
1960-01-04 The Rescued Generation Stepan
1959-12-20 Aunt Lusha
1959-09-22 Dom naprotiv брат Мамочкина
1959-02-14 The Witch
1959-01-01 Liberal
1958-01-21 Street Is Full of Surprises payee at the checkout (uncredited)
1957-11-05 Next to us
1957-08-04 Immortal song
1938-12-02 Soviet Border