Sergei Troitsky

Birthday: 1899-06-15
Deathday: 1962-03-17
Birthplace: Moscow, Russian Empire
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
2018-12-31 Квартирник НТВ у Маргулиса. Новогодний выпуск. Незваные гости Сергей "Паук" Троицкий
1961-09-18 Sovershenno seryozno посетитель ресторана (новелла «Приятного аппетита»)
1961-09-18 Приятного аппетита посетитель ресторана
1961-06-06 Following the Sun Александр Петрович (человек с венком)
1961-03-20 The Red-Haired Boy
1959-11-14 Foma Gordeyev
1959-06-07 Maria, the Wonderful Weaver Altyn Altynynch
1959-01-01 White Nights merchant
1958-12-12 The Captain's Daughter
1958-12-02 Kochubey
1958-07-17 Little Friend man with goose
1957-10-26 Quiet Flows the Don Yemelyan (uncredited)
1956-07-10 Crazy Day Medical orderly
1956-07-02 Первые радости
1956-04-13 The Mexican judge of a boxing match (uncredited)
1956-02-23 Flames on the Volga
1955-12-02 Othello
1955-03-24 A Pipe and a Bear Fedya (voice)
1954-08-10 The Safety Match
1951-07-09 Dream of a Cossack
1951-06-06 The Unforgettable Year 1919
1950-06-05 The Grandpa and His Little Grandson Little fox (voice, uncredited)
1945-10-15 The Taras Family Policeman (uncredited)
1944-01-15 Kashchey the Immortal
1943-11-22 The New Adventures of Schweik
1942-12-03 The Prince and the Pauper John Canty
1942-01-01 Швейк готовится к бою
1926-04-01 On Different Shores
1925-11-06 Blow the Horns
1925-01-25 An Eye for an Eye Dips