Ivan Turchenkov

Birthday: 1914-05-30
Deathday: 1993-09-27
Birthplace: Novye Lazinki, Spas-Demenskiy uezd, Kaluzhskaya guberniya, Russian Empire
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
1990-04-01 The Bursa
1980-07-07 Take Me With You скоморох Пискун (нет в титрах)
1980-04-01 По следу властелина Селиван - охотник
1980-02-11 Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears Shorty at Pub (uncredited)
1979-05-31 You to Me, Me to You watchman (uncredited)
1978-07-17 Incognito from St.Petersburg
1977-02-07 Fun for Old People Dancing Man (uncredited)
1975-09-08 Looking for My Fate churchman (uncredited)
1968-09-30 The Mysterious Monk монах
1968-06-06 Seven Old Men and One Girl ограбленный инкассатор
1968-04-28 War and Peace Russian Soldier
1967-12-31 Beginning of an Unknown Era сотрудник губисполкома («Родина электричества»)
1967-11-04 War and Peace, Part IV: Pierre Bezukhov Russian Soldier
1967-07-21 War and Peace, Part III: The Year 1812 Russian Soldier
1967-06-22 The Homeland of Electricity
1966-12-16 Andrei Rublev Man in the Hut (uncredited
1966-08-15 Wings Jury member (uncredited)
1966-06-21 Когда играет клавесин
1966-04-18 Your Son and Brother Иван Степанович, селянин (нет в титрах)
1966-03-14 War and Peace, Part I: Andrei Bolkonsky Russian Soldier
1965-07-24 Operation Y and Other Shurik's Adventures пятнадцатисуточник, новелла «Напарник»
1958-03-08 Girl without an Address