Emil Horváth

Birthday: 1945-11-12
Birthplace: Nitra, Slovakia
Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned

prof. Emil Horváth (* November 12, 1945, Nitra) is a Slovak actor, director and theater teacher. Son of actor Emil Jozef Horváth, husband of actress Viera Richterová.

He graduated in acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava in 1968. He was a member of the SNP Theater in Martin (1968 - 1976), then the New Stage in Bratislava (1976 - 1983). Since 1983, he has been a member of the Drama of the Slovak National Theater, where he has played a number of characters.

In recent years, she has also directed (Caligula, Theatrical Comedy, Crazy Day, The Fourth Sister). As a director, he is also a guest at the West Theater in Bratislava (You Still Have Me, Darling, Inspector Drake and Perfect Crime), at the Andrej Bagar Theater in Nitra (… and I'm also a loser, Sylvia) and the State Theater Košice (Jožko Púčik and his career). He has starred in many films and television productions (Demeter, How Vinco Caught) and series (American Tragedy, 30 cases of Major Zeman). He co-directed two television films Still Two Farce… (1998) and The Torturous Secret (1999).

He lectures on acting at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, where he obtained the title of professor in 2005. Since May 2011, he has been the director of the SND drama.

His son Tomáš is a literary scientist, writer and translator.

In 2005, the President of the Slovak Republic awarded him the Council of Ľudovít Štúr II. class for significant merits in the field of cultural development.


Year Title Character
2022-06-07 Marína, Marilyn a tie ďalšie...
2015-01-01 Polnočná omša
2011-11-06 Sráči Bronx
2009-10-18 Les mrtvých
2007-07-25 Strecha úniku
1999-01-01 Mučivé tajomstvo
1998-01-01 A ešte dve frašky...
1994-01-01 Dvaja muži pod posteľou
1994-01-01 O Jankovi kľúčiarovi
1993-01-01 Eros a Psycha
1992-01-01 Neznámy
1992-01-01 Jahňa chudobného
1991-01-01 Mário, zapískaj...!
1990-01-01 Júlia
1990-01-01 Puto najsilnejšie
1989-09-01 The Damned House of Hajn Petr Svejcar
1989-01-01 Pani Berta Garlanová
1989-01-01 Venček pre starého otca
1989-01-01 Génius jednej noci
1988-09-01 The World Knows Nothing Tomás Jakl
1988-07-21 Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
1988-04-07 The Southern Mail Ján Jurkovic
1988-02-01 Víkend za milión prokurátor
1988-01-01 Parazit
1988-01-01 Žolík
1986-04-07 Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
1986-01-01 Sen o kováčovi
1986-01-01 Vynález
1985-01-01 Pro forma...
1985-01-01 Raz, dva, tri
1985-01-01 Borgis
1985-01-01 Predsunutý
1985-01-01 Vrabčie lásky
1984-08-01 Sweet Troubles Šimon Šindelka
1984-01-01 Oko za oko
1984-01-01 Umenie komédie
1983-01-01 Saša
1983-01-01 Krokodíl
1983-01-01 Hniezdo na ôsmom poschodí (uncredited)
1982-01-01 Hrnčiarsky bál Peter
1982-01-01 Clavijo
1982-01-01 Plač pre syna
1982-01-01 Rozmar
1982-01-01 Zajac na diaľnici
1981-01-01 Ťažká profesia
1980-07-18 Rukojmí v Bella Vista
1980-06-06 Revenge
1980-05-26 Svadba Arneho Jurgu Tomáš Jurga
1980-01-01 Teta na zjedenie
1980-01-01 Zimozel Janko
1980-01-01 Železné ruky Vlado Šándrik
1979-10-12 Kamarátky
1979-01-01 Poviem mu to sám
1979-01-01 Monsieur Batmanov Batmanov
1978-12-25 Kristína
1978-01-01 Vysoká cena
1977-12-26 Klamstvo dočasu – pravda naveky
1977-12-25 Second Love Kalinčiak
1977-09-29 Ťapákovci
1977-08-26 Slnko vychádza nad Prašivou (uncredited)
1977-01-01 Ako sa Vinco zaťal
1976-08-17 One Silver Piece Martin Uher
1976-05-17 Demeterovci Peter Demeter
1976-03-08 Najvzdialenejšia hviezda na nebi
1976-01-01 Zlatá runa
1976-01-01 Koža
1975-05-17 Komédia za groš
1975-05-09 Sokolovo
1975-01-04 Od Silvestra do Troch kráľov
1975-01-02 Když chlapi dají slovo
1974-12-25 Mína z Barnhelmu
1974-06-20 Deň slnovratu
1974-01-01 Roztancované kráľovstvo
1973-08-27 Dolina
1973-04-27 Days of Betrayal
1972-12-26 Žiarlivosť
1972-09-29 Mŕtve oči
1972-03-09 Záveje
1971-12-24 Švédska zápalka
1971-02-02 Pozdná láska
1970-11-08 Úder pod pás
1970-11-04 Bývalí ľudia
1970-10-09 On the Comet geometr poručík Servadac
1969-01-30 Stopy na Sitne
1969-01-01 Rozmajrín
1968-01-01 Koniec a začiatok (uncredited)
1968-01-01 Peter a Lucia
1967-01-01 Sedem svedkov
1967-01-01 Dvanásť
1966-10-15 Drotár
1966-05-13 Every Young Man voják
1966-01-01 Kráska a výlet (uncredited)