Philippe Frécon

Gender: Male
Owned By: Unowned


Year Title Character
La guerre des prix L'agriculteur
2024-05-08 Chasing Johnny Christian Ligre
2024-01-17 Cool Headed Mr. Bento
2023-09-03 Adieu rond-point Plastic
2022-03-16 Three Times Nothing Construction site manager
2021-11-17 Magnetic Beats Father
2015-10-15 Through the Fields Henry
2013-11-13 Break of Day Doctor
2010-12-11 Lignes Le Patron
2005-09-23 Groupe Flag: Vrai ou faux Michel
2001-03-14 Night Shift Yvon
2000-03-22 Confession d'un tueur Eduardo
1994-10-25 Le fusil de bois Lemaire
1994-05-18 Dead Tired Carlton Admirer